Unity in Diversity: A cooperative relies upon its members. Our members and owners are more than simple milk and whey suppliers – they are the foundation of our company.
Twenty-nine milk supply cooperatives, dairy plants, and financing members hold a share in the BMI eG. Through this meeting of diverse experiences and interests, optimal solutions for the future are developed for the good of all. Sustainable success is what counts in a cooperative.
An open and sincere dialogue is particularly important for us. We support the exchange of information and opinions with the farmers through meetings and member surveys, the information system for producers, EIS, and periodic information letters.
Trainee Initiative “Junge BMI” (“Young BMI”)
The trainee initiative “Young BMI” is especially for farmers under age 35, who are the successors to the farms in our production area. During regional regulars’ tables, the young members can exchange views and establish contacts. Factory tours and round tables with the management strengthen the identification with each of their own dairy plants. The Young BMI initiative is a program with high participation – and it is an important project, as the young farmers are the future of BMI.